Thursday, May 24, 2012

Why You Won't Sleep Tonight Until You eye 5 Secrets to Gain New Customers

Masters In Fashion Merchandising - Why You Won't Sleep Tonight Until You eye 5 Secrets to Gain New Customers
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Masters In Fashion Merchandising! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Is your business increase beginning to plateau or stagnate? It's easy to sit back, take the foot off the accelerator and watch the sales roll in, especially if you are satisfied with how well your business is doing. But keep in mind that if you slack off too much, your competitors will soon catch up and at last put you out of business.

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How is Why You Won't Sleep Tonight Until You eye 5 Secrets to Gain New Customers

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Masters In Fashion Merchandising.

Marketing your business is even more leading than ever if you want to ensue in involving economic times. Competitors are windup their doors - which means more potential customers for the businesses that do survive. Today is the best time to take steps to revamp your marketing efforts and rejoinder to the needs of your target market. In these times, it's going to take more than "thinking exterior the box" and goodwill with existing customers to procure the survival of your business.

What you need are new and innovative ways to bring concentration and profitable sales to your business instead of depending on the "old ways" to get people to learn about you. Here are "5 New & Innovative Be's" to shop you business while involving economic times. Use these exiguous known ways to increase your shop share and watch your business soar.

1. Be Resourceful - It's Not Stealing, It's Called "Market Research"

Steal, don't build your success from scratch! Watch what other victorious companies do - take their innovative ideas, adapt them to your own business and then apply them.

For example, even small or mid size businesses can advantage from carving out a unique image for their vehicles (whether you have 1 car or 100). Think of how speedily you identify a yellow taxi cab, an crisis vehicle, a Linfox truck. All of these well known icons have been developed because of necessity, purpose and design. You don't need to spend 00 to make your branding impactful and memorable whether - stickers, magnetic signs and personalized license plates can start from as exiguous as 0. On an median day commuting back and forth to work in traffic, how many vehicles do you think you might see? Statistics indicate that in a busy city like Melbourne, the median commuter is exposed to 5000+ vehicles/hour. That's 5000+ opportunities to get your brand and sense details out there for very exiguous cost. Can you afford not to try it?

Do yourself a gigantic favour and Stop concentrating on selling 1 thing to 1 person. What can you do right now to sell your product/service in bunches or bulk? If you are a bookseller, look for opportunities to form alliances with schools, book clubs or companies to generate large orders or group sales. Coaches and trainers may want to think holding workshops and seminars to increase their leverage and reach. Even if you are in the dry cleaning business, you could arrange to stop by a corporate office on Friday to pick up a pile of orders and then deliver the clean, pressed garments on Monday. I don't care what business you are in - if you can sell to one man (or business), you can make more money for virtually the same time and effort selling to 10 or 100 people (or companies). Think about it - mental Big and selling Big is the best use of your time.

You may even want to go so far as to think bribing a "significant other" in order to attract a new, dream client or get in front of a key decision maker. If there is a man that you precisely want to meet but you can't seem to get your foot in the door to have an appointment with him/her, you may want to get resourceful and win the backing of a key motivator - i.e. The producer of the radio host's show, the spouse of the client, the Ea (or right hand) of the decision maker etc. Find out what that man likes - whether it's chocolate, flowers or tickets to a sports event or music concert - and use it to build a association and get your foot in the door with the endorsement of this influencer. You will find it pays huge dividends to be sincere and generous!

2. Be Partners - I'll Scratch Your Back, If You Scratch Mine

This strategy follows along the same lines as what we just discussed above. Interrogate - if given the choice at a networking function, would you rather find one potential customer or a strategic alliance that could help you win 10 customers?

This is not a trick Interrogate - of procedure you would rather build a association with a complementary business or strategic partner who can recommend or refer you to many customers. But how many of you go to events and spend the majority of the time talking about what you do and trying to sell your products/services to anything who will listen? You only have one mouth and two ears - the key to getting the best ensue and precisely growing your business is to use each in the accurate proportion. Spend at least 2/3 of the time request questions and precisely looking out (1) what is leading to the other business and (2) who their customers and suppliers are. Great companies build great people who precisely know how to listen. Unfortunately in most prospecting or networking conversations, both people are just waiting for the other man to finish! If you are not listening, you are likely missing opportunities and buying signals.

Be patient and persist - sometimes the synergies are not immediately obvious. I was at a networking event myself last year and met a woman with a small It company. On the face of it, our businesses precisely had very exiguous in common. However, after chatting for some time I discovered that one of her suppliers was a business that I was very interested in working with and she also had many contacts (from her old career in Hr) that could be highly beneficial for my business. She also revealed that she precisely needed solid business content for her website and ezines that I could furnish very easily, at no cost and with exiguous incremental effort on my part. All the time think Win-Win.

The easiest way to find potential partners and alliances is to start off by making a list of all of the businesses that might be interested in working with you. Where else does your ideal customer shop? What other products and services do they need? What are they interested in? Get as many ideas down on paper as you can and then sort by order of priority - write a note on your to do list each week to sense 5 people or businesses from this list to set up a meeting and discuss ways that you can work together to become even more successful.

It may be as simple as having a commission in place for referrals between you or as complicated as providing special pricing to customers on bundled packages of goods. Maybe you may even want to offer free trials of your product to the best customers of your new alliance? This may make exquisite sense if the acquisition cost of a customer is high in your commerce or if you are looking to break into an established shop where there are well known players who dominate the market.

When looking for potential partners, contemplate:

o Businesses in your same industry
o Businesses that sell items that simply go along with what you are selling
o Businesses that sell similar items but do not compete directly with you

There are an unlimited whole of options ready - the ways that you can work together and yield a mutually beneficial ensue are exiguous only by your imagination. Consider:

o Giving out promotional materials on profit of your partner with every sale
o Trading existing customer and mailing lists
o Selling your products cooperatively
o holding a concluded door sale or Vip night where both companies cooperate to offer exquisite value and enticements
o Linking to each other's websites
o offering tickets to a joint workshop or seminar
o Free trials/demos to best customers on each other's database
o Combining sales teams or shipping on bulky items (or items that go out each month)
o Press releases out to media or best customers about how you are working together to make it easier/better for your customers
o Coalition loyalty (giving great value back for purchases by customers across multiple brands)
o Writing a joint newsletter or combining materials into a book or audio file that customers can get for free

Remember to do your due diligence and wholly explore your potential partners online and offline. Google searches are an exquisite way to get a first feel about your potential partners and it will also communicate how committed they are to promoting themselves and growing their business.

3. Be Out There - master Pr & communal Media

A good press issue should be between 200 and 400 words. Less is more. The priority is to give only adequate facts to whet the appetite of the reporters and entice them to sense you to for the main course.

Most make the mistake of mental that a press issue is the opportunity to give every conceivable fact and overload the media with data. A press issue is precisely just an elevator pitch--something you could conveniently say to man in about 30 seconds. You wouldn't dream of giving a three-hour lecture in order to get someone's phone whole at a bar. Similarly, you don't need a 1,000-word press issue to get booked in a newspaper or on a radio show. Keep it short, news worthy and intriguing.

The story should be about how what you do/sell relates to something newsworthy or will help the audience to fix an annoying or high-priced qoute once and for all.

Did you know that most individuals and businesses are posting press releases purely to boost website traffic? A press issue is much more than just a way to get media concentration and free editorial. It can also be a great way to increase the organic traffic you get from Google and other quest engines. The online press issue services focus time and money on quest machine optimization and rank highly well in quest results. You can precisely piggyback all of this for next to nothing! All of these links generate more ways for your potential customers to find you Plus you receive the added bonus of appearing to be the master in your field. You can precisely receive thousands of visits to your website, without paying a dime on advertising.

Aside from organic traffic, quest machine optimization has the potential to yield radio and Tv bookings months after your issue is sent out and long after you have forgotten that you even sent it! Think about it, a busy, overworked journalist, booker or producer may quest on Google for "self sabotage experts" only to find your well-written, opinionated and informative issue appearing on the first page - and a direct link to your website!

In increasing to the above, communal media and viral marketing are the newest phenomena to generate gigantic exposure and rocket people/companies from relative obscurity to international fame. If you are not complicated (or don't even know what I am talking about), you need to seriously compare your commitment to your business. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, MySpace, connected In, blogs etc. Are just some of the many ways to build your community and get the "word out" globally about what you do, your products and services, for exiguous or no cost.

In my sense working with the Top 22 brands in this country, 90% of their customers lived within a 10km radius of their office/store. However, the biggest competitor to practically every single one of these businesses was the internet - not other physical location or office. Yet most companies focus on marketing to a set pool of customers. They fall into a fatal trap of doing mail drops and advertising in local newspapers to customers within a sure length from their store. There is a huge fallacy in this level of mental - if 20,000 people live within 10km of your business this year, you can bet that the same 20,000 (or similar group) also live within the same radius next year. You are effectively marketing to the same group of people over and over again but you are not reaching many new customers or addressing your #1 competitor - the internet.

Your customers are online right now looking for various goods and services and they are watching the YouTube videos, Facebook profiles and blogs about your competitors. If you continue to ignore the power and reach of the internet, you will do so at your peril. If you want to build a victorious business and prosper despite what is happening in the global economy, you need to educate yourself on what is ready and what will work best to build relationships with your potential customers. Many of these mediums deliver audio and video right to the computers of your customers - what great way to make a good, personal first impression?

And don't make the mistake of mental that the Baby Boomers and retirees are not online. A new national study showed that this demographic was one of the fastest growing consumer segments in online explore and purchases for travel, insurance, health care and several other categories. No matter what business you are in, man somewhere is selling a similar product/service online and is capturing the trust, interest, permission and sales of your potential customers. When is Now a good time to do something about it?

4. Be Direct - Ask For Referrals

Chances are your best customers hang colse to with or know other [potential] best customers. request for referrals is the best way to capture opportunities and procure new customers that have the quality to become best customers.

And speaking as man who knows, the best way to encourage a customer to refer new customers to you is to offer a referral bonus. Do not fall into the trap of blindly offering them a bonus, 15% off or free merchandise for every new sales lead. The key to preserving the association and construction the lifetime value of your existing customer is to give them a primary offer (if possible) on a product they do not already buy from you. Giving them a allowance on what they would already buy erodes your profitability on existing sales. This is not a good strategy for you in the long term.

You want to increase their business with you by introducing them to supplementary products and services that they could buy from you. The key is to identify something that is of value and give them an irresistible offer. Make it easy for your customer to refer others to you - keep your offer simple and concise. think holding a special by-invitation only event where they can bring a friend and remember to ensue up with a hand-written thank you note and their bonus in a timely fashion. Statistics show that a simple, personalized thank you (with no actual offer) has the potential to increase sales by 12-18%!

In my experience, this simple and productive strategy is overlooked by about 90% of businesses. This is by far the most lucrative and cost productive strategy to get new customers. If you are not doing it, you are likely missing out on about 20-25% of sales from top [potential] customers. Can you afford to continue throwing money out the window on mass advertising when you are not doing this 1 simple strategy that could cost you less than /customer?

It is not adequate to casually ask your customers to come back and bring their friends - you need to put it in writing and make it worth their while. You are essentially request them to sell your business for you and they will gladly do it, if you reward and thank them for their effort.

5. Be Unique - Do What Others Don't

Stop right now and make a list of all things that you (and your competitors) do not do for your customers. Next, I want you to start request customers what they want. If you want to ensue you will take a good hard look at both of these lists and find a way to do anything it takes, for as long as it takes, to win customers and keep them. Those who are unwilling to do this will never build a truly victorious business. End of story.

I had a incorporate come to me once for guidance and coaching - both the business (they were partners in a retail shop) and the relationship, were at the breaking point. The husband said to me "I don't understand it. I do all things humanly potential for my wife and she doesn't appreciate me and I don't think I can Maybe do anything more to satisfy my customers - they are never happy and All the time want more."

My rejoinder to this age old dilemma is simple and it applies to both relationships and business. "Sounds like you may be doing a lot. Too bad it's all things But what your partner and customers want."

Let's take a occasion of silence now to observe the sure implications of this poignant story for your own business...

I don't precisely care what you are doing or how hard you are working. There is no prize for volume or quantity here....what counts is quality. Are you giving your customers what they want and are you willing to do anything it takes to give them what they want? More of the "same old same old" is not going to differentiate you from the pack, build trust, win customers and grow a business.

Take some time today to precisely think about what you offer and how it could be improved (either simply or via a faultless overhaul) to revolutionize your business. If all of your customers were to leave today, what would you need to do in order to attract new customers? Consider:

o every person loves a freebie - can you offer a free trial or sample?
o Do you offer a guarantee that takes 100% of the risk out of trying your product?
o Is man (who is respected) willing to endorse your product/service?
o Are you on the cutting edge of technology - are your products/services able to great fulfil a need or fix a problem?
o Do you make it easier than your competitors for customers to buy from you?
o Can you offer free facility or maintenance?
o Is there a unique way to introduce what you do to prospective customers - without all the pressure of a typical sales meeting?
o Can you offer free upgrades or special financing terms?
o Can you negotiate other products/services for your customers at no charge?
o Can you generate a sense of community for your customers that will be perceived as valuable?
o Do you incorporate customer feedback into your product improvements or customer service standards?
o Do you offer free training, manuals and assistance?
o Does the association with your customer begin or end with the sale itself?
o Do your team members believe in the product and are they willing to go the extra mile for your customers?

At the end of the day, price is never the determining factor. people will All the time be willing to pay a fair price for a first-rate product and for the peace of mind that comes with exquisite service and a strong guarantee. If you solely focus on having the lowest price, it will at last put you out of business. Take stock of what the competition is not willing to do and what your customers want most from you. Do something unique - listen and be willing to do anything it takes to deliver what they want. anything less, is simply a lot of time, power and money wasted on all the things that don't precisely matter.

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